Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rescued a baby squirrel now theres something wrong HELP!!!?

Ok first I sarted out giving him kitten milk, then after the first day I noticed he hadn't pooped, so I looked up on here what to do and it said to stop giving him formula and give him diluted apple juice or the dehydration solution so I did and the next day I kept giving it to him and no formula a little tiny bit of yellow stuff came out of him down there but not normal poop but I noticed he was still weak so I started giving him the formula again with a couple drops of apple juice in it yesterday afternoon because he was starving and I have continued that till dinner time today but now he's constantle peeing all over himself and rubbin his butt across the floor and he still hasn't pooped.

I need help how do I make him go I have tried rubbing his bottom with a warm wash cloth and a qtip and soakin his bottom in warm water while massaging his back, any other suggestions? And is it normal for him to be peeing constantly.Rescued a baby squirrel now theres something wrong HELP!!!?
Take him to an emergency animal clinic! My father saved 6 baby squirrels in a 55 foot tree because my cat killed the mother. But take him to a emergency animal clinic. If you don't have the money then tell them that. Their might be something wrong with him inside. This may sound cruel, but i understand where your love for animals come from. [I have 3 dogs 2 cats, 1 lovebird, 1 cockatoo and 5 cockatiels. Ive had rabbits, rats, mice etc]. But if he doesn't have a mom, then you might have to put him down. Have hope, but please don't let him suffer. My rabbit i had got diarrhea and that is very bad. And I had to put her down because if i wanted her to live, she would have 6 needles in her and be sitting in pain for that night and they couldn't even be possitive that she would live. And that was for me I wanted to do that, not her. She was in a great deal of pain. So they gave her the shot, and I talked to her while she was going to sleep forever. and for one night it would be $986. Same with my rats, they got tumors and were in pain. I could have gotten the tumors removed for $700 but they would have only been alive for 6 months more. Their is only so much you can do for animals. Im sorry, but take him to the emergency clinic. Their might be something wrong with his waste and urinary system. And he just might have diarrhea. GOOD LUCK!! give him a kiss or hug for me!Rescued a baby squirrel now theres something wrong HELP!!!?

On top of all the reasons why you should take it to a licensed wildlife rehabber it is illegal for you to be doing this! That aside, they have experience, knowledge, resoureces, and access to vet care that you do not have. Thank you for caring but care by taking him to people who know what they are doing!!! sorry to be harsh but I see the devastating effects of people in this exact sceanario and the animal is who pays. it is too sad!!!!
honestly take it to an animal rescue shelter before you end up killing it unintentionally
When baby is warm, feed warmed Pedialyte* very, very slowly for a couple of feedings until skin does not tent. NO FORMULA YET.

*Do not substitute Gatorade for Pedialyte. Until you can get to a store that sells Pedialyte, use the following to rehydrate:

mix 1 qt. water, 1 tsp salt, and 3 tsp sugar.

Then, gradually, give formula (see ';Formula'; below) diluted with extra water. After a few feedings, when baby is normal, graduate to regular Esbilac formula

Formula: 2 parts water, 1 part Esbilac (e.g. 2 tablespoons water + 1 tablespoon Esbilac).

Mix in a small jar what you think you will use in 1 day.

* Warm only the amount they will eat at one feeding. Do not reheat.

Refrigerate mixture and powder also.

* Feed Esbilac/water formula with a 1 c.c. syringe

Feed four times a day: early morning, lunchtime, dinnertime and just before you go to bed.

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