Friday, May 14, 2010

How can I save this baby squirrel?! about to die!?

Tonight my dogs were barking outside so I went to see what they were doing, they were playing with a baby squirrel and hurting it! I yelled at them and put them inside and got a flash light, I went up to the squirrel and it is still breathing. I went inside thinking theres nothing I could do. So its been an hour and I went out again hoping it hopped away or something, It is still breathing very fast and is curled up, I feel so bad for it cause it must be suffering in soo much pain! I think it might have broken bones or something cause one of my dogs picked it up in its mouth and dropped it. Is there anything I can do for it!? It is sooo sadd :( He looks soo scaredHow can I save this baby squirrel?! about to die!?
find out where your nearest wildlife center is. call them, or if you can, put on a pair of thick gloves (i'm not sure how old you are, you might need to get your parents help) and put him in a small box with some soft towels, and take him to your nearest wildlife center.

you can call 411 if you're not sure where a center is. just ask the operator to find you the nearest one, and they will connect you.

most are open 24 hours.

don't try to feed it or give it water.How can I save this baby squirrel?! about to die!?

Call a wildlife rehabber. They can take care of him, and return him to the wild.

Thanks for caring,

Good luck!
put it out of it's misery, don't let it suffer

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