Friday, May 14, 2010

I just found a baby squirrel with its leg bit me?

Okay! So I just found this baby squirrel in the area underneath my house...I think he was starting to die, because it's so cold out right now and he's still little. But a creature like, chewed his leg off or something, and now it's just a little stump thing. He's still alive, and the stump's not bleeding. But I'm wondering what to do. I think I'm going to put some anti-biotic ointment on it to help prevent infection, but I want to know if it'll be safe to clean it with warm water and a cloth? (While wearing leather gloves if he decides to bite me.) But yeah, I would greatly appreciate any advice!I just found a baby squirrel with its leg bit me?
Call a wildlife rehabilitation center. Don't try to do much yourself, they will know exactly what to do. Both you and the squirell will be a lot safer if you leave it up to rehabilitation center.I just found a baby squirrel with its leg bit me?
Take it to a vet asap. It will need pain relief, or it may die of shock.
It is a good idea to put ointment on it and wash it up. Aslo you should put a lot of cushion in a box and after you put ointment and wash him up then put him in the box and cover him up with a soft baby blanket. Then get a little bottle and put warm milk in it and feed him after he takes a nap. Also keep your house warm! I hope I helped a little. Have fun with him!

P.S what is his name?
In all honesty, DO NOT WASH THE LEG yourself. It is a lovely gesture, and well-intended, but more likely than not you will only reopen the wound. even if it is dirty looking, a closed but slightly dirty leg stump is better than clean, open one. let the professionals treat the wound. truly, the best thing for you to do is to find a wildlife rescue. Many people are telling you to take it to a vet, but most vets specialize in dogs and cats, and unless you know a small animal specialist, they will only have limited knowlege about dosing/treatment. a squirrel has very different tolerances than does a dog. wildlife resuces and rehabilitators have both the knowlege, facilities, AND the desire to save a three-legged squirrel.

in the meantime, just keep it in a cardboard box with blankets, and set that on a low-level heating pad if it is cold where you live. maybe offer it some KMR if you have some on hand for whatever reason, but otherwise, chances are you will do more harm than good. get it to a rehabilitator ASAP!
If you aren't 100 percent sure what to do, i wouldn't do anything except take him right to a vet, they will know what to do. If the stump isn't bleeding it could have already happened. But, while you are waiting or if you decide not to go to the vet, put him somewhere warm, and give him some soft blankets to rest in! I hope the squirrel is OK! and good on you for bringing him in!
You need to call a wildlife rehabilitator in your area. Contact a local vet and ask if they can give you the telephone number of people who do that near you.
Get him. Cover stump with clothe. Put holes in box and put him in it. Rush him to animal hospital stat. Save a squirrel life
Let nature take its course. Don't intervene. Yes it is sad but it happened for a reason. There will be plenty more to replace it. Have you ever had a family of squirrels live in your house for the winter? If you want to put some antibiotic on it go ahead but leave it alone after wards. Chances are it will not survive in the wild and you certainly shouldn't keep it as a pet.
Take it to a vet if u want. But if it were me i would kill da squirrel because its probley suffering
Male squirrels do stuff like this to the baby males to limit competition in the area. Nature can be brutal.

I don't have any other good advice, but I thought I'd add my two cents on what may have happened.

Good luck. Hope he makes it. If he does, you probably have a new and interesting pet. I've heard of people having pet squirrels so it's not like trying to domesticate a rattlesnake or tasmanian devil.

IT'S NATURAL SELECTION... get used to it.
call ASPCA or Pluto rescue, they will help try not to touch it , it might be infected
like the others say take it to the vet, dont call animal control they will put him down for shure they arent vets. and the leg was mostlikly bitten off or was pulled off do something right now
Try to keep the baby warm, in a towel or something, and contact a wildlife rehabber pronto. call your local wildlife/game office. there are many rehabbers across the internet that can help you. meanwhile, do contact a vet or animal hotline for help .It is probably starving. you need help on what to give it until you can get it to someone. good luck. Don't feel too bad if you can't save it.
i think that you should call a 24/7 animal hospital and find out what to do while you take it to a vet or to a the animal shelter good luck!!
awww. google it.. im sure you'll find more from experts.
Gently bath is leg in warm water and phone a vet imedietly! If you can't get hold of one look it up on he internet or email me by clicking on my picture. I know quite abit about baby squrriels
take it to the vet :(
use some hydrogen peroxide to disinfect. if its in alot of pain then you should just kill or take to vet they might do it for you.

um if it seems ok beside try to get away from you and cant walk well keep it for a bit to make sure it ok then put a feeder and the squirrel in the back yard and let let nature decide what happens to it.
i would take it to a vet and let it sleep for a while and rest its leg put it on a heating pad and feed it what ever they eat and a baby bottle with water
If you don't want to have to pay to take it to the vet you can bring it to a humane society, they will decide what is the best decision (although it will probably be euthenasia because it would never be able to be wild again probably) until then though if you want to pay to take it to the vet i think that that is a great idea, but for now i think it would be fine to wash it with water.
Most animals will heal on their own. I would put it back where you found it because you never know what it could be carrying.
wow same thing happend to me with a crap load of critters id put him in a blanket and then put him in somethign and away from ur other critters in ur house and put ointment and bandage the wound idk see if he lives another day u realy cant take him to a vet or anywhere they'd kill it after u left
I did that too once, my cat did it though and I seen it. My advise would be a vet because us alone, cannot prevent it from anything really because we aren't professional, etc. I tried cleaning it and wrapping it up but it ended up dying. Try a vet, have them look at it and do what's best, keep him with you till he heals then let him go.
just do it !! i think is a good idea!!
Hmmm....sometimes rodents chew off their own legs when they are hurt. I would keep him in a cage with a towel and take him to a vet tomorrow. The vet will likely treat him for free since you found him. You don't know if he has rabies or any other diseases and I wouldn't be willing to risk my ow health, as much as I do like animals.
For now just put a little bandage around it (and keep wearing those gloves) and put him in a small, opened shoe box with a towel in it or something, and take him inside (while watching him at all times). Then, call Animal Control or the Animal Hospital. Its the best idea, its the little guy's best shot at survival. Take care! :)
feed him and hope the little bugger doesn't die ina.



(not that you would kill him.)
You can bring it to the vet for advice...if you don't wanna perform the job by yourself, they can do it for you...but they'll charge thought.
Kill it please ,Im sorry.
aww...are you keeping it?
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