Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why do I never see a baby squirrel?

There are many squirrels in the neighborhood, but I never see any babies.Why do I never see a baby squirrel?
ooo lol

you just made me realize

that i dont either

weird.Why do I never see a baby squirrel?
Their probably too young and are in their den, where either mums want them to be. By the time they mature, you should probably see tons of little squirrels running around depending on how much squirrels are use to man in your area and what the bird of prey population is in your area. Also, if your willing to lose an appendage, look into a squirrel's tree den where you will see cute little squirrel pups, and, well, a very furious mother. Hope the rabies aren't so bad where you live!
Hawks eat them so the parents keep them in nests or holes. I never noticed that but I have never seen a really small squirrel let alone a baby.
To the dude that said hawks eat babies. Well no, they don't. Finds out they are hunted by power lines and people making calls on their land lines. -ZAPPPPPPP- -thud-
I've seen a baby squirrel!... I've actually almost hit a couple with my car.

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