Wednesday, January 20, 2010

WOW!! Check this out!! I found a live baby squirrel in my dogs crate... The crate is in my room...?

My dog was acting very strange and guarding his crate like he had a million doggie dollars in it. So I made him get out and low and behold tucked in the very back under the pillow was a baby squirrel. The baby squirrel is a little beat up but I think he will be OK. Should I take my dog to the vet to get check out?WOW!! Check this out!! I found a live baby squirrel in my dogs crate... The crate is in my room...?
I would take the dog to the vet. Just to be on the safe side. Maybe keep the squirrel in the cage that way the vet can see him. And two that way you don't have to touch him. Hope he is okay! Squirrels are wild animals and can contract any kind of disease. So, hopefully your dog doesn't catch anything harmful! Good luck!WOW!! Check this out!! I found a live baby squirrel in my dogs crate... The crate is in my room...?
Hi Dookie

Just put the baby squirrel in a seperate box or container that is secure. You should call your Vet when they are open for a couple reasons.

One, to see if they think it's necessary to look at your dog. I assuming he's current on Rabies, but doubt he will likely get anything from the baby squirrel. The Vet may also know someone in your area that re-habs wild animals.

Your dog likely just caught this little one off guard, and was claiming his prize.

Best of luck.
He either thought that the squirrel was a toy that you wouldnt let him have, hence the guarding, or he was being protective of the baby. I would take him to the vet, with the squirrel, just to be sure that the squirrel doesnt have any diseases or parasites that may be passed on to your dog, and they will be able to get the squirrel to the right place for looking after.
I live in the country, and things like this are pretty common out here. A dog my father used to own always brought home coyote pups. If it will make you feel better, call the vet. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Squirrels are pretty clean animals, especially if it is a baby. If the squirrel is too young it might be to late for it, but it sounds like your dog was trying to protect it, not eat it.
Go to for answers on the baby squirrel. It needs specific care to live. Check your area for a local wildlife rehabber.

Squirrels do NOT carry rabbies. A full grown squirrel (1 lb.)could not live through an attack of a rabbid animal. The public is very much uninformed when it comes to this.

The squirrel needs a heating pad set on low. And find help quickly...thanks for carring.
I agree with all of the above answers take BOTH to the vet and make sure that the dog is okay. Squirrels are cute but can carry rabies and not be sick (i think...Don't quote me) either way, your dog needs to be looked at and the squirrel needs to be checked for rabies
Your dog might have been protecting it like food, och betcha didn't want to hear that and take the baby and your dog to the vet the dog might have gotten bit by it or even the mother and your dog might have ate the mother too
i would, or at least you should call the vet's office and tell them your dog had a squirrel and if there is anything to worry about and if you should take your dog in. they are professionals and can give you the right answer
You should take your dog AND the squirrel to the vet. There is no telling what kind of diseases those things can carry, and if it's possible, avoid touching the squirrel with your bare hands.
you need to take both of them to the vet.

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