Sunday, January 24, 2010

Orphaned baby squirrel?

there was 2 on the road and we managed to save one but the other was run over. He has all his hair and can curl his tail he must be about 6, 7 maybe even 8 weeks old. He came rushing to my feet and I picked him up. He also keeps falling asleep in my arms. We do not know what to feed him and where to keep him until we can get him somewhere more suitable ... if anyone has any experience with anything like this or any advice I would really appreciate it.Orphaned baby squirrel?
here are some sites on what to do: baby squirrel?
Squirrels' diet consists primarily of a wide variety of plant food, including nuts, seeds, conifer cones, fruits, fungi and green vegetation.
Can't release it into the wild now, it'll die. Had you not intervened that's what would've happend. Keep it as a pet or let nature take its course.
call the dept. of game and fish they work hand and hand with organization that provide rehabilitation and re release .its what's best.
try feeding him hamster food or lab blocks and you may want to get a cage for him.......your so lucky!!!!! :) awwwww
when i was a younger i had a pet gray squirrel and kept it till it was ready do go in the wild on its own. there great pets to have but your gonna go nuts if it gets lose in your house... you can try to feet it walnuts that have no Sugar coating or any nut that is in its natural state.. if it don't eat that you can try some milk from the pet store that is for baby dogs or cats.. while your there you should get a nipple and bottle for it.. if you plan on keeping it get a cage. mine was running lose one time used the bathroom on my tv.. yeah it stopped working..

you can keep him till he gets old enough to live on his own.. its animal instinct will help him live in the wild and plus if you take good care of him he'll come back to your house to eat....

if you live near the woods try to get some acorns and walnuts in the wild to start training him for it...

if you have any questions you can contact me through this site and i will help you the best i can i do have pics to prove that i had one if that helps

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