Friday, January 22, 2010

HELP!!! Baby Squirrel needs help idk what to feed it, S.O.S?

I found a baby squirrel a few minutes ago and i don't know what to do! I need to know what to feed him or her. It's in a box right now with a piece of bread i gave it the bread so it wouldn't eat the dirt, its in a flower box. Save little Oscar or Sammy, need help on name to. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!HELP!!! Baby Squirrel needs help idk what to feed it, S.O.S?

Both of these sites have excellent information for rescuing squirrels. The most important thing you can do is keep the squirrel warm. The next most important thing is to contact a squirrel rehabber in your area to come and get the squirrel. If you go to the first site and click find a wild life rehabber in your area they'll be able to help you. If you're anywhere near Dallas, TX, I can help you. Please add your general location so I might be able to help you find someone.HELP!!! Baby Squirrel needs help idk what to feed it, S.O.S?
Wildlife rehab is not an easy task and can be detrimental to the baby if you aren't experienced.

Go to

It has tips, info and rescue organizations

Good luck.
Try feeding it some milk with a little medicine dropper. Wash it properly before tho you don't want to buzz the poor thing. If it fails let it free he'll find other squirrels and be able to find something to eat.
squirrel food would be appropriate for a squirrel.

it will give him give him lots of nutrients and vitamins the squirrel needs to grow and stay healthy
Unless you can get baby squirrel food at the pet store or get it back to its mother, the little critter is going to be history.
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