You're best bet would be to turn him over to your local Dept. of Natural Resources, they will in turn send him to a rehab facility to be readied for the wild; or you can find a wild animal rehab facility in your area-check your yellow pages. He's a wild animal, so there's a good chance he may become aggressive as he gets older. Plus, in most areas, it's illegal to keep a wild animal unless you have a special license.Someone gave me a baby gray squirrel. It's probably 3 months old. Should I keep him?
you cant release it now it would die in the wild, it wouldnt know how to fend for itself
So long as it has plenty of excersize and lots of fun that squirrels like shouldnt be a problem.
Have seen domestic ones before, they are intelligent and rodents - and as rats are kept as pets I cant see a problem
it shouldnt nip you it you look after it, and keep to the same person(s) feeding it that it trusts
we had the same problem when a baby snow-shoe hair (type of wild rabbit) jumped in our arms when our dog killed its parents... We never thought it would live that long but it ended up living for 9 1/2 years!!! We had a great time with him and he was very happy. First read up on them and see if you can handle it or not. Dont make it to public cause depending on where you are, it might be illegal. If you cant deal with it, give it to a Natural Resourse Center and explain what happened, they will decide if to send back to the wild or keep him in a rehab. But otherwise, watch to see if there's any aggresive signs. It should act just like a chinchila or Sugar glider
First it is Illegal in the u.k. to take in a wild animal without you hold a licence,which is issued by D.E F.R.A.and there are not many around.Your Grey Squirrel is classed as vermin like a Rat.If you want to be kind to him take him to a park or wood where there are others and release him it grows older they become very vicious and not the nice cuddly pet you have at the moment My advice is to release it as soon as possible before the winter sets in and it will find it's own way in life.
you cant let him loose if you live in the uk-its illegey here to let them loose-grey squrrels get this virus but i thonk it justs affects red squrrels-ask a animal dep what they think and if you do keep it then ask them what they need-feed/excercise/just anything
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