my family has been rescuing wildlife since before i was born. Unfortunately, birds, squirrels and bunnies arent hardy and usually die with human care for various reasons. The best thing you can do is put them back where you found them so the mom can come get them. If she doesnt come in a few days then take them to a wildlife rescue place. trying to nurse them with homemade milk im telling you is heartbreaking because they usually dont survive. But if you are going to try anyway try to mimick the bedding you found them in if you can. maybe fill a small shoe box with parts from their nest and more if you can find.I need to know what bedding I should use for three baby squirrels.?
Talk to your vet on getting them a milk substitute formula for them to keep them fed.
For bedding use old towels, shredded paper, straw and things like that, basically anything that will keep the heat in.
In their box, pop a hot water bottle which is about body temperature, wrapped in a towel and lie them on that to keep them warm.
They will probably need feeding every hour or so as they are tiny and their stomachs are very very small.
When it comes to weaning them, look up what they will generally eat in the wild and give them that, maybe mushed with milk if they can't handle them whole.
They should have really been left there for their mother to find and re-build their nest, or let nature take her course, but it really is a good act by giving them a chance at life, but be warned, they may die without their mother!
Maybe phone a animal shelter and see what they suggest.
Good luck
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