Friday, January 22, 2010

Baby squirrel questions? baby squirrels like to sleep in socks?

2.what do they eat?

3.what do they like to sleep on/inBaby squirrel questions?
*I rehab squirrels. I have one male squirrel that is handicapped on one leg. Never be released. It they have hair and eyes open then they are eating. Get a cat carrier and place a towel in their. Need a water bottle, sunflower seeds, or squirrel mix from the store, pecans. Need a limb in the cage to chew on. They need the bark for their diet. If they have eyes open and eating on their own then no problem. If they fit in the palm of your hand then they were still nursing. Get puppy formula (not cat formulat) and an eye dropper. Feed slowly. If milk comes out their nose they will die 100% of the time so feed slowly and give as much as they will drink. Give them one eye dropper of water several times a day and feed every four hours around the clock. Email me if you need more help.Baby squirrel questions?
Baby squirrels require very specific formula, based on body weight and age. It would be best to take it to a wildlife rescue centre. They will know exactly what to do, and will rehabilitate the baby, and return it to the wild where it belongs. You may be able to request that it is returned to your area when able to be set free.

Do you know what breed the squirrel is? Different breeds have very different food requirements. Knowing what type of squirrel would be very helpful.

my mom used to rehabilitate animals all the time. first of all, it depends on the age of the squirrel. if it is old enough to eat solid foods, unsalted sunflower seeds and fruit work very well. as far as sleeping goes, they love being warm. put a heating pad on LOW and place it in HALF of the container the squirrel is sleeping in, so if they get too hot they can move.. put a towlel over the heating pad to prevent overheating. if the squirrel is still very young and drinking it's mothers milk, go to the pet store and buy KRM. Kitten Replacement Milk. Also, if you know of a wildlife center, it would be best if the squirrel went there.
is there a reason you are asking these things????? no kidnapping squirrel pups... but if you are rescuing them... her ya go

1: I would assume so, nice and toasty like a nest

2: milk/formula (puppy milk) until they are old enough to eat solids.. then y ou can feed them gerbil mix (you can get it at the pet store)

3:nests.. anything soft and fluffy.. they sell cotton type bedding called Carefresh that works very well for nests....


socks duh lol or trees

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