Friday, January 22, 2010

My baby squirrel is making strange noises!!?

he keeps squeaking and grunting and clicking. Why???My baby squirrel is making strange noises!!?
one day my cat attacked one and he couldnt walk, only half oh him was parilized and he could drink and eat i took him to the vet they said he would die in the night, but i kept him in an old bird cag for a month or so and he lived the rest of his live in it! he clicked when ever my hamsters and guinea pigs were in the room, it is probably a sign that means like stay away from me or im mad!My baby squirrel is making strange noises!!?
OK hes doing that cuzz hes a baby they click at random its nothing but u need 2 no how 2 take care of them bf u do anything!!!!

this is the website u need 2 take care of the baby squirrel

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where on earth did you even get a baby squirll, put it in the wild. there wild animals
Probably just gass or he's hungry I wouldn't worry
Is it a pet from a breeder or is it a wild animal? If it is wild it may be injured or dying, hence the reason you found it. Take it to a vet or a wildlife rehab center or your local humane society shelter.

If it is a pet I am not sure what you mean, I've never had a squirrel for a pet and certainly wouldn't recommend them from what I have heard from others who have.
I am the ONLY right answer he is HUNGRY! he will do that every 4 hours until he can eat solid food- nuts and things - PLEASE listen to me--- only give puppy milk to him until he is old enough to eat solids- about 2 months old. any thing else can cause him to have muscular deformaties or DIE. if you need help you can call me i know a lot 727-742-4584 also he is looking for his mama by making the noises so if you are the mama he will recognize you and know it is time to eat. puppy milk is sold only in pet stores and it is not too cheap but he will be on mostly solids by 2-3 months
it is ok to have a pet squirell because they can be tameable but they dont like cages most squirrel owners let there squirrels run around the house all the time. it might just want to be let out if it cant run around u should let it go/ return it to a pet store if u got it there
Are you sure it's even a good idea to have a squirrel as a pet?? Regardless of that you should take it to the vet.
well, squirrals really dont sound like the best of pets, its probobly making those noises because its freaked out, you should let it go and get a rat! believe it or not, rats actually make some of the best small pets there is! they are extreamly smart, and are the nicest things I have ever dealt with, I have never been bitten! people say hamsters are best small animals but I object, they stink too much and bite and are mean. mice? well the males tend to stink so bad it's not even funny, females dont smell as bad but still stink quite bad, they're also the escape masters, and they're very tender, so you could kill them just holding them, and last, they're extremely squirmy, its a real pain to try and hold those buggers! gerbils? Well they aren't quite as intelligent as rats, they're too small, so its easy for them to get lost, and they're too wiggly, but a gerbil would probably be my second favorite. so what is there left? you'd ask. RATS!!! ok it may sound disgusting but actually these rats are specially bred and are actually called Fancy rats, its a breed made for being pets, they are the most non-stinky small pets and cleanest small animal, it may sound like I'm wrong but actually rats are the cleanest, they clean themselves constantly! they can even use a litter box for them to do their buisness in! they are very smart, you can let them out in your house like a cat easy, just remember, keep an eye on it because of:1 they might not be ready to be let out in your house and might get lost, and 2, they like to shread stuff up to make nests, so keep that in mind if you get one and want to let it out! my rats have always been best friends with my dog, same with my dads! if you have a small dog, your rat might get cought riding on its back!! no kidding! for more info on rats, go to: pictures at

I hope you just do what you think is right!
Isn't it illegal to own a pet squirrel where you live? Squirrels arent tame-able...they need to be out in the wild and not caged. Release the poor thing before it dies.
because it is either constipated or it is choaking.
hes just a baby mabey its one of his stages and anyway where did you even get a baby squirrel!
well, you shouldnt have a pet baby squirrel in the first place. release it and maybe it will stop making the noises.

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