Sunday, January 24, 2010

Found a baby squirrel help!?

ok i just found him and he looks kinda like sumthings wrong with him. hes not hurt but i dont know wat to do. do i nurse it? i cant tell whats wrong with it but i need all the help i can get thanks!!Found a baby squirrel help!? a baby squirrel help!?
Get that little critter to a wildlife rehabitor. Depending on where you are, it's illegal to keep wildlife.
go to the vet immediately.
Do not take the squirrel to a vet - vets are for pets and most do not have the expertise needed to care for wild animals, nor do they ahve the proper licenses that allow them to keep a recouperating wild animal.

Contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator immediately - you can find one here:鈥?/a>

These people have the specialized training that allows them to care for sick, injured and orphaned wild animals. They also have the required state and federal licneses that allow them to keep the wild animals until they are healthy enough to be released back into the wild where they belong.

It is illegal in most places to keep wildlife unless you have the proper permits, and since you admit you don't know what is wrong with the squirrel, get him to someone who will be able to diagnose and treat him properly.
Get a small hand towel or a washcloth, wrap the squirrel gently in it, put that inside of an open box to transport it. Go to your local vet or ASPCA office immediately!!!!
More good info:鈥?/a>

Just keep him warm, try to give him a few drops of water by mouth if he wants (and eyes are open). Get him to a rehabber tomorrow morning--most vets have numbers to rehabbers.

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